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Our safer spaces policy

We hope that things don’t go wrong, but here’s how we’re set up to deal with them if they do.


At Pudding, our goal is to make all audiences feel welcome, and to facilitate conversation. We cannot control what any attendee in our session will say, nor predict how a comment might make someone else feel. Therefore Pudding operates a safer spaces policy (rather than a safe or brave spaces policy). We strive to hold space with care, that empowers attendees to challenge statements compassionately. Our commitment is to respect the individual and challenge the behaviour. We work with our partners to ensure these processes are clear and consistent.


Our facilitators are entrusted to:

  • Manage sensitive subject matters, using personal judgement and deep listening to moderate conversation. 

  • Distinguish between a difference of opinion and a personal attack.

  • Call difficult behaviour in, instead of calling it out. We always assume that nobody intends harm.

  • Escalate with the event manager when they feel our safer spaces principle has been breached.


Here are our processes for dealing with challenging behaviour:

  • If an individual demonstrates language or behaviour which challenges our safer spaces policy, the individual will be reminded of Pudding's safer spaces policy, and invited to reflect on their comments. At the close of the session, please invite any affected attendees to remain, to chat further with Georgia and the venue, where we will be able to provide additional support and resources.

  • If an individual demonstrates language or behaviour which breaches our safer spaces policy, the event manager will be brought in, and the individual may be asked to leave.


These principles are under continual review for Pudding across in-person and online events while we develop our code of best practice.


If there’s anything you want to chat about that relates to the above, please get in touch with Georgia on


Last reviewed: 10 May 2022

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